Reclaim Your Vitality – Re-Ignite Your Purpose
If you’re a woman who has spent a good deal of your life in service to a higher calling (your version of making the world a better place), and you’re noticing symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, lack of energy, or motivation…
Or maybe even a more serious diagnosis…
I’m inviting you to consider a different approach to this phase of your life:
One that offers far more abundance of vitality, time, money, love with your chosen ones, resilience to outside influences…
A different way to view the life you live and the gifts you give…
Because there’s a lot of stuff you still want to do…
Stuff that NEEDS to get done.
I really believe that this time we’re living in right now holds an opportunity for women to go from relating to the world, business, money, and abundance, in ways – let’s face it – that were never designed for us as women, to creating whole new systems that are life-giving for us, life-giving for others, and life-giving for our planet.
We’re not just undoing patterns and systems from the last 10 years.
Not even from the last 50 years.
We’re dealing with 500 years – the “modern“ era – because this deconstructing and rebuilding is a part of the sacred work of this paradigm shift we’re experiencing.
If your body and your brain are trying to fight the shift, while your Difference Maker self is wanting to move forward in your business, in your causes…
You are actually at odds within yourself.
Which breeds chaos and confusion in your physical existence.
That is – in your body, emotions, relationships, and in your life experience.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get “re-aligned“ so ALL OF YOU is working together again?
My body is doing things it hasn’t been able to do in 20 years. I’m feeling great! My life has changed so much, I’m more myself every day.
Sherri’s work also has unexpected benefits – I drove on I-35 yesterday with ZERO anxiety. That hasn’t happened since I was rear-ended by a Semi-truck 4 years ago.

Sandra Schaub
Former POTS SuffererWimberley, Texas
Some words to describe my work with Sherri: enlightening, luminous, astonishing, deeply healing, delightful, changing, insightful, effective.
I am honored to be able to work with Sherri, who’s knowledge is broad and deep, and who’s skills fill me with awe.

Jett Sophia
Blanco, TexasThe Key to Success is a Personalized Holistic Wellness Plan
Addressing the cause rather than symptoms helps you achieve meaningful results that last.

Identify and follow the “breadcrumbs” as deeply as possible

We move the Energy and allow your system to process the changes

New Habits
After one session, years-long tension and pain in my neck and shoulders was simply gone. Sherri’s description of my emotional issues/blockages was accurate, and her ability to clear those blockages was profoundly beneficial.

Debra Erickson
Sherri’s intuitive work helped me to identify and release beliefs about myself that were holding me back. I am so grateful for my time with her and the truly positive affect it has had on my life.

SeattleYou shouldn’t have to do this alone…
I’ve already been down this road, and understand that a healing journey has twists and turns, hills and valleys. And I can help you navigate your way back to feeling good.
So you can get on the Vitality Path, and get on with your life, on your terms.
Trusted Healer for 35+ years
Your finely tuned intuition and years of training helped me know that I can be in tip top health no matter my age or past health issues. Thank you Sherri for honing in on things going on with my body I never would have known without your help.

Portland, OregonThe changes have been astonishing. I’m almost 180 degrees from where I was before. I wake up every morning and feel so alive! I’ve even been getting my 10,000 steps in every day. The desire for self abuse is not even there. This is HUGE. I feel like I’m getting back to who I am.

Mary Theriot
Blanco, TexasThis work might be for you if:
- You have a deep desire that drives you to use your skills, talents, gifts to make the world a better place, AND your health issues/symptoms are holding you back.
- You’re already trying to “eat healthy“ and practice “good behavior“ but it’s not really moving the needle like you want it.
- You’re open to, willing, and able to make some simple lifestyle changes.
- You’re willing to look at “your stuff” even when that stuff is not pretty.
[FYI: re-EXPERIENCING that stuff isn’t required or even desired.]
- You want to let go of whatever is holding you back from fully stepping into your BIG WORK, your Purpose, your Calling in the world.
- You prefer to participate in a program that is customized specifically to you personally… your symptoms, background, and your desires for your future.
- You’re ready to serve your calling from a place of abundance rather than from obligation.
This work is NOT for you if:
- You prefer to hand over your personal power to someone who will give you the same magic pill they give to everyone else, no matter what their combination of symptoms may be, or their intensity.
- You’re unwilling to let go of old traumas and their stories because those stories serve you in some way.
- You want your life to stay the same as it is now.
Many of my clients were used to burning their candle at both endS
(And probably also in the middle, truth be told…)
And then at some point, they just couldn’t do it anymore
Getting started is easy
Book a Call
Use my convenient online scheduler to book a complimentary Clarity Call. No strings, no obligation.
Get Ready
Think about your wants and needs, the struggles you’d like to give up, along with questions you may want to ask.
Let’s Talk
We’ll discuss the situation you’d like to address, possible directions to take, and decide if we’re a good fit to work together.
Sherri is easy to talk to. The results are pretty amazing. The work begins immediately and the results are immediate.