If you want to live your best life, use each of these 5 Keys every day.
Be present, here in the moment now.
Stop. Breathe. Notice what’s happening in your body. Staying in the NOW as much as possible brings peace, and even allows you to stretch time. Emotions are more balanced, thinking is more lucid.
Be your true authentic self. As you let go of what is “not you and “what you have left is the real you.
Result: you can develop more compassion, awareness, forgiveness, emotional balance, stress relief, clear thinking, gratitude, grounding.
Let go of what is no longer serving you, even if it has served you well sometime in the past.
Detox your body, your behaviors, clean up your relationships.
As you continue to grow and expand your awareness and allow your body to regenerate, what will help you now is very likely to be different than what helped you before.
Result: Create room to receive, abundance, prosperity.
Nurture yourself. The way you treat yourself is the template for how you treat everything and everyone.
So please be kind. Be generous. Do something new and different every day. Improve your nutrition, self-care, nourish your emotional and spiritual lives. Feed the relationships important to you.
Result: More energy, ability to give, ideas and inspiration.
Stay connected with your feelings, body, the earth, divine, other beings, your purpose, mission, vision.
According to the laws of physics, you can’t NOT be connected. Yet your awareness of that connectedness brings more benefits of connection into your 3-D life.
Result: builds and strengthens neural pathways and networks, increasing your PERCEPTION of connection.
Take inspired action. Using these keys on a regular basis opens the door to your inner guidance. Inspiration flows freely.
What can you do today, with what you have available, to take you closer to your desired life, health, work, leisure, relationship?
Result: Bring some more good into your life and into the world, and enhances the whole cycle. Again. And again. And again.
These keys work on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
Click here to learn more about the philosophy behind The Vitality Path