Nature vs Nurture
Billion$ spent on mapping genomes, and it turns out that, not only are we (all of us) unique organisms, but the cause of major disease is essentially environmental in nature.
According to “science rules,” medical geneticists are disproving their own theories – which is actually one of the goals of science.
But this is not desirable for funding purposes. (and that’s a whole ‘nother, more political article…)
The game of getting federal funding seems to grow blinders on otherwise rational and intelligent people. Plus, it’s in our nature as humans to gather arguments that support, rather than refute, our beliefs.
So the geneticists are scrambling to figure out what kind of convoluted theory will support what they want to prove. The anti-genome folks want to throw the whole thing out, saying disease is caused purely by environmental factors.
Being pretty much a rebel myself, I’ll agree AND disagree with both sides. And I acknowledge my belief is biased by my experiences in my clients’ life and health issues. And my own, too, of course.
There seems to be a genetic component – inherited through family lineage – of some diseases and chronic health issues. Like a weak spot in a defensive wall, where the enemy can sneak in and attack.
The “rebel” feels the need to insert a comment made by my acupressure teacher, just so we can muddy the waters a little further:
Imagine that your client says everyone in her family has gall bladder problems. So it must be inherited, right? Not really much that can be done about it.
Hmmm… wonder if the family recipes are inherited too?
It’s crucial to look at the whole story.
But even with a weakness, a propensity toward an illness doesn’t guarantee the enemy WILL attack. Only that, if they do, you’re more likely to end up in a dangerous situation.
This is where the environmental factor comes in.
Interesting fact: Genes can turn “on” and “off”
This is what I believe pulls the rug out from under the whole DNA genome mapping concept. Environmental factors – and I believe these can be chemical, emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual – affect the ways genes operate.
This is very good news, because it means we can effect change in our genetic structure, using nutrition, energy work, and belief change – what I like to call Pragmatic Woo-Woo.
The 5 Steps to Vitality, the core of The Vitality Path Healing System, help your body, mind, and spirit to make changes needed so you can lead a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.
This work has been effective in helping me with my own serious and not-so-serious health issues. Effective enough that I’ve been using it with clients for the past year and a half.
What is it? This will be a combination Medical Intuitive reading and energy healing session. On the phone. Sometimes I’ll offer a “historical supplement use” comment, but most often we’ll be balancing specific issues incrementally.
Interested? Please make your request below, and I’ll get with you as soon as I can.