Do you often find yourself exhausted, in pain, and wondering if your brain is on vacation?
As a caring human who is mission-driven, you may find that your purpose in life is to serve in some way, maybe in many ways. And because you have such a giving heart, it can be very easy to slide from Service into Sacrifice.
Because it mostly doesn’t really feel like sacrifice to folks like us, at least at first.
We are wired to serve others, and we can take it a bit too far sometimes.
[Read: the lack of healthy emotional boundaries]
Staying in sacrifice mode for too long can begin taking a toll on your body, and it starts to suffer. You may begin experiencing declining function in your body’s systems. Inflammation becomes more noticeable, perhaps even chronic. Things just don’t work as well as they did in the past.
These intuitive healing sessions involve us working together as a team, discerning the causes of the imbalances and correcting them at very deep levels. Your part is to be present and open, ready to heal, while I use my skills as a Medical Intuitive, Naturopath, Energy Healer, and Transformation Coach to guide you into that shift.
Click here to read what clients say about receiving intuitive healing work from Sherri.

What to Expect in aN Intuitive Healing Session with Sherri:
To do this sort of work, you’ll need to be willing to look at your “stuff.”
Physical stuff, emotional stuff, mental stuff, spiritual stuff.
And sorry to say, that “stuff” is not always very pretty.
We will be identifying issues in the physical and energetic realms that do not belong there. It’s possible these things may have helped you in some way in the past, but they are no longer serving you.
And we do what’s needed to get them out.
Depending on your diet and lifestyle, this could involve a recommended change in eating or other habits. Maybe a nutritional supplement or two here and there. Most often, though, we will be working in the Quantum Realm, shifting Energy.
Because Energy is where it all begins.
If you want lasting results (and who doesn’t?), it’s important to get to the root of your challenges, or at least as close as possible. My decades of experience working with clients (and on my own stuff) has demonstrated over and over again that getting some resolution at the root of the problem seems to allow other issues to just “fall into place” allowing harmony to prevail.
And that can look like a MIRACLE.
But it’s not. It’s simple Cause and Effect.
The challenge is finding the true cause, in order to change the effect.
I don’t know what your life will be like after doing this work. But what I can tell you is that you’ll have a new level of resilience, vision, and power.
It will re-shape your choices, the way you live, and how you see yourself. And you’ll be able to cultivate the sort of inner strength that can get you though whatever chaos that life is requiring you to navigate.
Are you ready to start feeling better?
You can purchase and schedule sessions or packages below, if you already know what you prefer.
OR… here’s what to do next, if you have questions:
Use my convenient online scheduler to book a complimentary Clarity Call. No strings, no obligation.
Think about your wants and needs, the struggles you’d like to give up, along with any other questions you may want to ask.
We’ll discuss the situation you’d like to address, possible directions to take, and decide if we’re a good fit to work together.
Please note…
If you use pharmaceuticals, I encourage you to maintain a healthy relationship with your doctor. As your healing progresses, it’s very likely that your needs for your meds will decrease. Your doctor may need to adjust your prescription.
{non}Physical Evaluation – $98
aka “Psychic Lab Test”
Extensive Energetic Testing:
- Physical imbalances
- Spiritual imbalances
- Psychological imbalances
- Emotional energies
- Energetic networks
- Toxicity energies
- Nutritional energies
- Suggestions for correcting imbalances
Price can be credited toward your first Package purchase
Sherri was able to lift the veil of confusion and darkness and unravel many of my undiagnosed medical issues and understand and address several life traumas and struggles that had been covered up or never revealed and effectively address and deal with them.
Mona K.
Retired Human ResourcesRadical Recovery Session – $155
- Choose the focus for your intuitive healing session
- Remote session
- 20-30 minute phone call after session is completed
- Session report via email
- Shift energetic expressions
- Release emotional baggage
- Bring organs and systems into balance
- Resolve conflict in the body/mind
- Nutrition and lifestyle suggestions
- Sessions in packages are scheduled weekly
My body is doing things it hasn’t been able to do in 20 years. I’m feeling great! My life has changed so much, I’m more myself every day.

Sandra Blaney
Business OwnerSpecialty Session Packages
Chakra Balancing Packages
Your chakras are like electrical transducers – converting the Cosmic Energy of the Divine into the sort of energy your system can utilize, and then directing it to their corresponding nerve plexus in your physical body. When these energy centers are balanced and communicating well – with one another and with your physical systems – everything just seems to work better 🙂
Awakening Your Clairs
Unlock your intuitive potential with our Awakening the Clairs sessions, designed to enhance your spiritual gifts and deepen your connection to your life purpose.
By awakening and encouraging these abilities, you’ll gain clarity and confidence in your decisions, enriching your personal satisfaction and empowering you to make a more meaningful impact in the world around you.
Restorative Sleep – $155
- Re-establish appropriate sleep cycles
- Re-establish appropriate Circadian rhythm to better balance hormone levels
- Re-establish appropriate Diurnal (day/night) rhythm for better hormone secretion
- Balance Infradian (monthly) rhythm
- Balance Circannual (yearly/seasonal) rhythm
- Better regulate your stress levels
After one session, years-long tension and pain in my neck and shoulders was simply gone.

Debra Erickson
Retired Construction IndustryHolistic Wellbeing Daily Energy Group – $98 monthly
- 14 day free trial, then subscribe for $98/month
- Energetic Support for Body Mind Spirit
- Healthy Lifestyle Suggestions
- Helpful Articles
- Inspirational Tidbits
- Like-Minded Community in our private Facebook group
- Suggestion Box for Special Requests
Click the button below to set up your free trial, or get more info here first.
No strings, no obligation.
Not sure yet if this is for you?
Schedule a chat so we can talk about it.
I’ll get your questions answered and you can make your best decision.
As your Healing Guide, I will help you discover YOUR VITALITY PATH to the life and health you desire. We do this by discerning and releasing the obstacles blocking you from shining your LIGHT.
You will real-ize (make real) your own power to heal yourself, to re-member (put legs under) your own spiritual gifts.
During this process/journey, physical changes occur, fears dissolve, relationships are created and renewed, financial pressures lifted.
All because you are healing the spiritual “disconnect” between Self and All-That-Is.
Now accepting major credit cards, ApplePay, and GooglePay
After spending more than a decade helping others as a Naturopath and a Bodyworker, Sherri was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Unfortunately, the “cure” caused her to go into Fibromyalgia, lung and nerve problems, arthritis, and scoliosis. Unable to work and without much income, she had to rely on her experience with natural healing methods and newly found medical intuitive skills in order to heal herself.
Those skills continue to develop, and now she uses them to help other helpers and healers who are weary, burnt up, and burned out, so they can re-energize their lives and health.
Sherri Stockman is the creator of The Vitality Path™ Healing System. She is a Medical Intuitive, Naturopath, Certified Global Energy Method Practitioner, Transformation Coach, Certified Body Code Practitioner, and a trained A.C.T. Practitioner.
In purchasing this consultation, I understand Sherri Stockman is not a medical doctor, licensed counselor, or financial advisor. Information she may share represents her opinion based on years of practice and study of Naturopathic and Energy Medicine.
The FDA and FTC require the following disclaimer: information obtained from Sherri Stockman is for educational purposes only and not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard.
Click here to learn more about Sherri. (opens a new window)
Click here to see client feedback. (opens a new window)